TRACY — The best view of Manteca and surrounding communities in the Central Valley?
There are a few adventuresome types that will tell you that you need to take a drive to rural Tracy to see it.
Specifically, a drive that will take you to 25001 Kasson Road, across the way from the shuttered Deuel Vocational Institute — a nicer way of saying state prison — to Skydive California.
Skydive California offers an opportunity to get a glimpse of Manteca’s own backyard – and surrounding communities – from 10,000; 13,000; and 15,000 feet with corresponding free falls of 30; 60; and 75-plus seconds.
It’s time for a disclaimer.
I’ve been close to 15,000 feet above sea level but it was with my feet planted on terra firma atop Mt. Whitney at 14,464 feet.
The reason I mention that is back in 2015 a week before I made my third ascent of the highest ground you can stand in on the continental United States, I charged a tandem jump on my credit card.
It was a bit farther north at the Skydive Lodi Parachute Center along Highway 99.
It was a birthday gift for Sawyer, a former boyfriend of my oldest granddaughter.
I opted out of going up myself as I figured with my luck I’d sprain my ankle on landing somehow — even though I’m told that is rare — and have to cancel the hike I had been looking forward to for nine months.
I’d be lying, though, if I didn’t admit the last time I had a sizable amount of air under my feet for a sustained period it was over the Pacific Ocean off of Maui.
It was only 15 minutes and right around 300 feet high at the end of a line pulled by a boat, but the fact I lost my grip with one hand just before the boat started a wide turn, I ended up experiencing a “thrill” that I swore I never wanted to repeat.
How bad was it? Outside of 10 stern words punctured with a swear word I said when I was asked “gee, wasn’t that fun” after I got reeled back into the boat, I didn’t utter another word for 40 minutes until when we were maybe 100 feet from the dock in Lahaina.
I bring this up not to scare anyone off especially since I’ve been in precarious places hiking that literally terrified a nephew I had brought along, but to point out there are those among us who have an aversion to jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
That said, I have one acquaintance that has sky dived over a hundred times. I also know more than a few who rated the experience of just one tandem jump to one of the best experiences they’ve ever had.
Sawyer was among them.
The must-buy video that I paid for to go with his jump easily proved that.
I will also admit I’ve been warming up to the idea of trying it myself, although it is only lukewarm at best currently.
Why I’ve softened my “never ever” stance is because in the three years since Cynthia moved to rural Tracy, there’s been many a Saturday and Sunday driving to and from Tracy to dine or shop that I’ve passed skydivers while heading down Kasson Road.
It looks pretty cool to do — at least once.
Clearly, I can’t speak about an actual personal experience plummeting down to earth strapped to the front of an experienced sky diver at either the Kasson Road skydiving center or its Lodi counterpart.
And yes, the cost at Lodi is a bit less.
But the fact you have three tandem jump options and it’s taking place above familiar territory are big selling points for Skydive California.
It is eight miles as the drone flies from Yosemite Avenue and Main Street in downtown Manteca to Skydive California. It is a 10-minute drive via the 120 Bypass and Interstate 5 or a leisurely 15-minute drive going the back way via Airport Way.
They operate Friday through Sunday year-round.
Tandem sky dive options include:
*$199 for a 10,000-foot dive with 30 seconds of freefall that’s offered on Fridays only.
*$249 for starting at 13,000 feet with 60 seconds of freefall.
*$319 for starting at 15,000 feet with 75 seconds plus of freefall.
You can’t forget the video.
Sawyer posted his on his social media and was swamped with feedback from friends back in North Dakota who ended up being as pumped up about his jump as he was.
Skydive California’s video packages range from $100 to $199.
The pricier one — based on the one an acquaintance opted for — literally covers anything you could want as it includes a professional videographer in addition to the video from the instructor’s helmet cam.
They also offer lessons in three packages ranking from $1,670 to $2,970.
The middle price package includes five coached jumps and 13 solo jumps with rental gear.
The accelerated free fall student program starts with an intense, hands-on ground school. Advancement to solo jumping can happen in as little as seven jumps.
Experienced jumper pricing includes $35 for a jump ticket, $85 for a jump with rental gear, and $190 for a coach jump with rental gear.
You need to be 18 years of age and not weigh more than 225 pounds. Booking in advance is the way to go although there is an outside chance you can get same-day reservations if they have capacity by calling 209-835-7474.
Other than that, there is a wealth of information at their website,