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The challenge of overcoming challenges is challenging
Principally Speaking 03-13-24
Varni ps
Anthony Varni, Dent Elementary Principal

Over the past several years, our community has had its fair share of challenges. We figured it out one at a time; we had no choice but to. One of those challenges has been navigating the ever-changing landscape of building a new Dent Elementary School. These challenges have been well documented; starting with Phase 1 of modernizing our fifth grade complex and office buildings all while completing a brand new parking lot area. This was the first way in which we were challenged; to change our past practices. We were forced to find solutions to a new kind of problem. This was uncomfortable, at times inconvenient, and of course “challenging.” We became a closed campus, we were forced to park further, and some of our teachers had to pack up and move (for the first time) to different classrooms. Even though these were difficult challenges to do, we did it knowing that the result would be best for our students and community.

Fast forward, through a national pandemic, we celebrated the completion of Phase 1 and shifted our focus to Phase 2. It was now time to build new buildings and remove portables that had been on campus for decades. This again was uncomfortable, inconvenient, and challenging. More staff were displaced, more programs had been added to our campus that required homes, and we were again tasked with making it work. “The show must go on!” We continued to appreciate the grace and patience given by our community knowing that the result will once again be best for our students.

As we look to our present day and future, we are so close to completing Phase 2 of our construction plan! We now look forward to the next challenge on the horizon of moving into the new buildings. This too will be uncomfortable, inconveniences of moving yet again for staff, and the challenges of getting the work done before we start next school year will be present. Grade levels, service providers, and even our library will be changing locations and we are thrilled for the future learning that will take place within these awesome spaces!

Meanwhile, throughout the entire process, our students’ mindset was unfazed! The challenges that we as adults were navigating, our students came to school business as usual. A lot can be said for their mindset, their grit, and their innocence. As I reflect on what we have accomplished, looking to our students is what gave us the strength to move forward regardless of the challenges, and how uncomfortable, and inconvenient our “adult issues” were. We did it for our kids; the entire reason why we do what we do! With this in mind, there are no challenges that we cannot conquer when it comes to the benefit of our students. The future is bright, our campus is close to completion, and new challenges will arise but we’ll do what we always do: what’s best for our kids.

Our students have witnessed a massive change in what our campus community will be. With this change, we are unifying our campus. Services that students will receive will be closer, drop-off locations will be simpler, and our campus will be safer with these drastic improvements. Completing challenges gives us a sense of accomplishment. There is no greater sense of accomplishment than seeing our students succeed and be happy to come to school every day. The “Land of the Dragons” is going to have a brand new “lair.” We are lucky to have been able to be a part of the process; to see it from the very first challenge to now welcoming the very exciting future for this Dent Dragon community …

It is a privilege to serve this community … and as always, “Go Dragons!”


Principally Speaking is a monthly article, contributed by principals from Escalon Unified School District sites, throughout the school year. It is designed to update the community on school events and activities.