One of the staples of the holiday season in Escalon, the festive Christmas on Main coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce is on the calendar for Saturday, Dec. 10.
Rain date is Sunday, Dec. 11.
“We’ve got a couple of new things planned,” said Chamber member and event spokesperson Debbie Murken. “The businesses are going to have a snowman contest – but you can’t use snow … we will also have a snowball game for kids using fake snowballs.”
The business snowman contest will have recognition for the best ‘non-snowy’ snowmen used as decorations.
The festivities are scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 10 starting at 3 p.m. in and around the city’s Main Street Park.
There will be music on the Main Street stage, with performances by Kaylee Wilson and the Escalon High School choir, and Murken is also looking for another group to join the musical line-up. Wilson is scheduled from 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.; the high school choir from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The annual holiday Parade of Lights will take place as well, lining up on Coley and stepping off at 5:30 p.m.
Application forms are available on the Escalon Chamber website,
Check in for the parade will be at Third and Coley, outside the Escalon Post Office, line up begins a 4:45 p.m. and the parade begins at 5:30 p.m.
All entries must be decorated with lights, candy may be thrown from floats but organizers ask that no floats have anyone dressed as Santa and no political statements be made.
For more information about the parade, contact Robert Swift at 209-595-5013 or email
“He has a lot of applications in already,” Murken said of Swift taking the parade entries.
Another change this year will be the arrival of Santa Claus, who will actually ride in on the first float and go around the entire parade route one time before getting off the float and taking the stage to pose for photos with youngsters attending the festivities.
“The Lions Club will have hot chocolate and cookies, we do have some food vendors that will be there,” Murken explained.
There will also be some craft and merchandise vendors for holiday shoppers, the local Grange is planning to have a free craft for kids to do, and the Chamber will sponsor its traditional s’mores booth, with all the fixings needed for s’mores available and fire pits set up throughout the park, with hay bales for seating.
“We are going to have the Escalon Senior Fun Bunch, they will be doing some Christmas caroling throughout the night down Main Street,” Murken said, as the community looks to usher in the start of the holiday season.
Main Street will be closed from First to Third streets for the Christmas on Main event.
The community Christmas tree has already been selected and Murken said the decorations and lights will unveiled during the Hospice Tree of Lights observance at the Main Street Park on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 5:30 p.m.
For more information about either event, or being a vendor for Christmas on Main, contact Murken at 209-402-0505.