Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-2025 docent class at the San Joaquin County Historical Museum at Micke Grove Park in Lodi.
“Becoming a docent at the San Joaquin County Historical Museum; it is an immersion into the rich history of our county. As a docent, I get to share that heritage with our museum visitors,” said Jack Jacobs, a San Joaquin Historical Museum docent.
The first of 12 classes begins on Monday morning, Sept. 16, 2024. Taught by experienced docent graduates, classes will teach about San Joaquin County’s rich past, the museum’s living history and educational programs, and how to give guided tours of the Museum’s 18-acre campus. Attendees also get hands-on experience in ropemaking, blacksmithing, gold panning, and corn-husk doll making.
For more information, contact or call 209-331-2055.
Those interested may also contact Docent Training Coordinators Jerry Smith at 209-948-6196 or Dianne Dukette at 209-610-3790.
The San Joaquin County Historical Society and Museum reveals the rich heritage of the region, from the Miwok and Yokuts Indians through Charles Weber (founder of Stockton and first farmer in the area) and the development of modern agriculture. The Museum has eight exhibit buildings and four historic buildings. It is home to the very popular Valley Days, an award-winning living history educational program for third, fourth and fifth graders. The 18-acre grounds include the Sunshine Trail living exhibition of native habitats and the Delta Water Path.