Escalon Kiwanis Club continues to sponsor the Student of the Month program at El Portal Middle School and recent honorees were named and recognized at a morning breakfast meeting of the club.
Receiving the honors were Marley Huff, sixth grade; Charlotte Shaddix, seventh grade; and Matthew Rangel, eighth grade.
Sixth grader Marley Huff was nominated by her teacher, Kayla Jefferson.
“Marley has shown great perseverance in math class. She continuously works hard, asks questions, and applies herself,” Jefferson explained. “Marley is a conscientious student who takes pride in her work. Her dedication and hard work deserve to be commended.”
Teacher Heather Dyk offered the nomination for seventh grade student Charlotte Shaddix, highlighting her academic growth, positive leadership and outstanding citizenship.
“Charlotte is a hard-working individual who is not only motivated to learn, but to also do her best in everything she does,” noted Dyk. “She works well with her fellow peers and serves as a positive role model. Her positive attitude is contagious to those around her and she always has a smile on her face. Charlotte is an excellent student who shows on a daily basis that her education is important.”
Nominating eighth grader Matthew Rangel was teacher Jason Jericoff, who noted his academic growth, positive leadership and outstanding citizenship.
“It is a pleasure to have Matthew Rangel in my class. Matthew exhibits the qualities of an all-around perfect student,” Jericoff said. “Every day, Matthew comes to my class prepared with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and work. Matthew is a student that is always engaged in class whether it is volunteering to read, answering questions during class discussions, or helping another student with their work. He is always contributing and being productive.”