As he has done for more than two decades, Richard Govia of Escalon stepped into a familiar red suit on Christmas morning.
Govia, along with his wife Phyllis, have been greeting passing motorists along Highway 120 just west of Escalon, dressing up as Santa and Mrs. Claus, for years. Motorists slow down, wave and honk, some even pull off the roadway to take a photo with the jolly couple.
“This was my 26th time.” Richard Govia shared of taking on the persona of Santa for Christmas morning.
The couple, along with The Grinch and Frosty the Snowman – also in costume and volunteering their time on Christmas morning this past Sunday – spent about four hours along the highway. They set up shop near the site of the former The Barn produce stand/antique shop just across the railroad tracks at the west end of Escalon.
“I just like spreading the joy,” Govia said. “Seeing smiles on everybody’s faces; it gets the kids lifted up.”
He explained that he started the tradition back in 1996, originally dressing as Santa Claus and taking bags of candy in to work when he was employed at Foster Farms.
“Morale was down and I said I would dress as Santa; I had 300 baggies full of candy,” Govia explained of his idea to uplift his co-workers at the holiday time.
When he returned home from work, he still had some bags of candy so he spread the holiday cheer a little closer to home, taking the leftover candy that first year and handing it out as Santa on Christmas morning in Escalon. He was originally near the Escalon Mini Mart on the other side of the highway but said they made the switch to The Barn location for safety and because it allows for people to pull off and park while they take a quick photo.
“One of the Escalon police officers stopped by with his wife and son, it was awesome,” Phyllis added of the special visitors this past Sunday.
She joined the effort seven years ago, suiting up as Mrs. Claus.
They typically are available from 8 a.m. to noon on Christmas Day and this year also had several donated bags of stuffed animals to offer. Everyone stopping by to take a photo or just say hello were invited to also choose a stuffed animal to keep and there were candy canes as well.
“It was crazy; the traffic backed up, people actually lined up for pictures, it was phenomenal,” Phyllis said of this year’s event.
The available stuffed animals decorated the hay bales set up around the flatbed trailer platform where Santa and Mrs. Claus were stationed and people stopping by were full of smiles.
“It’s good to put a smile on their faces,” Govia said of spreading some holiday cheer and joy.
“We love doing this for the community,” added Phyllis. “And Santa is already planning for next year.”