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Escalon Police Beat 3-5-25
new epd

NOTICE: The names and incidents printed in the Police Log are obtained from the daily log of the Escalon Police Services, which is a public document. The listing of a name here does not imply that person’s guilt or innocence. That can only be determined by a court of law.



1:07 a.m. – Security check in the 800 block of First Street due to complaint of subjects possibly on school campus; checks OK.

9:01 a.m. – Reckless driving complaint, 1300 block Escalon Avenue; gone on arrival.

12:26 p.m. – Traffic enforcement in the area of Countrywood and Melissa; log note only.

4:07 p.m. – Assistance request for subject in the 1900 block of McHenry; checks OK.

10:46 p.m. – Dispute reported on Coley with an arrest made.

10:53 p.m. – Assist outside agency, assist to CHP at Jones and McHenry.



12:02 a.m. – Officer initiated activity, River and McHenry; CHP indicated officers were aware of incident and not requesting assistance.

12:57 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle check, 1900 block McHenry; checks OK.

11:38 a.m. – Public assist via phone call from the police station regarding questions about a towed vehicle; assisted.

1:36 p.m. – Suspicious vehicle reported on Edmart; checks OK.

2:26 p.m. – Public assist on Kern.

6:13 p.m. – Suspicious circumstance on Mission, possible gunshots heard in a nearby orchard; assisted.

6:47 p.m. – Suspicious vehicle reported in the area of Silverwood and Narcissus; unable to locate.

7:41 p.m. – Be on the lookout issued from Stockton CHP for a possible intoxicated driver, eastbound on Highway 120 near Henry Road; unable to locate.

9:58 p.m. – 9-1-1 hang-up from Baker Avenue; determined to be an accidental dial.

10:21 p.m. – Disturbing the peace complaint, loud party in the area on Deborah; warned.



6:44 a.m. – Reckless driving complaint, Highway 120 and Walnut; log note only.

7:50 a.m. – Public assist at police station regarding a vehicle release.

10:15 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle reported on James, possible stolen vehicle.

7:55 p.m. – Possible intoxicated driver reported, on Santa Fe toward Escalon; report taken.