From “Doc Alders, Farmington’s Lone Eagle”: Cowboys were still driving cattle, in the 1960’s, up past Relief Reservoir and up into the series of grassy meadows leading up to Kennedy Lake and its surrounding meadow. Doc was familiar with Kennedy Lake. He had been up in the high country.
The trail from Kennedy meadows up to Relief Reservoir is a wide path blasted through the granite. A steam engine winched itself up that trail to the point where the dam for the Reservoir was built by the PG&E. The steam engine ran the gondola out to dump the cement to form the dam. There are remains of the old construction camp at the edge of the reservoir there. Doc recalled that the old boiler is still there. A cabin was there for the PG&E caretaker to tend the water in the summer.
Doc used to have some burros. He would pack in there and one day when he was passing in front of the cabin, the caretakers dog came out and was going to chase his little jenny burro. But the burro had a different idea. She chased the dog and, she ran the dog clear up into the cabin. The dog was always looking out the door after that. Didn’t chase any more burros.
Parent Teachers Club presented a $250 dollar scholarship to Jonathon Bailey of Farmington at the Farmington Elementary Award ceremony. Jonathon is a senior at Escalon High. Congratulations Jonathon!
Happy Birthday, David Kalebaugh on June 5th.
Happy Birthday, Kelly Kroon on June 6th.
Happy Anniversary to Kevin and Megan Kroon on June 6th.
Please contact me if you have items for the Farmington News column. E-Mail me at or phone 896-6697.