As of December 2, the Stanislaus fall-run salmon migration is 2,602. On Dec 2, monitoring at the Stanislaus weir was suspended because of the high flows, which exceeded 2,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) following the recent series of rain events. The Stanislaus River weir is unable to sample under such high-flow conditions, so the weir panels were intentionally sunk to the bottom of the river until flows recede to a level they can be retrieved. With flows expected to remain high for the foreseeable future, monitoring at the Stanislaus River weir has concluded for the 2019 fall-run Chinook season, and the season total stands at 2,602 salmon. For comparison, the 2018 fall-run Chinook total was 4,777salmon.
Funding for salmon monitoring at the Stanislaus weir is provided by the Oakdale Irrigation District, South San Joaquin Irrigation District, and Tri-Dam. Data collection is conducted by FISHBIO. For more information, visit