The public is invited to a hymn sing at 6 p.m. on Sunday evening, April 29 at Escalon First Baptist Church. Many churches do not currently sing the traditional well known hymns, yet many people still love to hear and sing them. This hymn sing is for all who fit in that category.
The hymn sing will be led by Ben Brown, campus director at Southeastern University, Northern California regional campus in Modesto. He is passionate about fostering God-honoring, Spirit-empowered worship experiences in the local church. He earned his Master of Arts in Worship Studies from Liberty University in 2013 and has led congregational worship for more than 20 years in ministries across the United States. His multi-generational approach honors the great worship traditions of the church, while simultaneously laying important groundwork for advances in the modern worship movement.
Southeastern University is one of the fastest growing institutions of higher education in the United States. Brown has helped develop a worship ministries degree for SEU’s undergraduates, and mentors/instructs worship arts students on a regular basis. He and his wife, Jill, reside near Modesto with their two daughters, Ashlyn and Lydia.
Brown is also the author a recently published book on worship, People of His Presence, which provides a comprehensive, yet straightforward approach to praise and worship for the local church. The book is acclaimed as a “must-read” for pastors, worship teams, and believers of all ages and worship traditions who want to become the kind of worshipers God desires.
Escalon First Baptist Church is at 1511 Catherine Way in Escalon. The hymn sing is open to all. There will be no offering or admission charge. Brown will be making available copies of his book, People of His Presence, following the concert. More information can be obtained by contacting Escalon First Baptist Church pastor Dale Pederson at 209-718-6130.