The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in partnership with the Stockton Regional Public Agency Consortium, SRPAC, is hosting a Public Works and Purchasing Showcase. This event is focused on connecting local small businesses with local agencies needing goods and services. There is no charge for businesses to register and attend this event.
Wednesday, March 2 is the date for the showcase, scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon at the San Joaquin County Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton.
The SRPAC is a collaboration of state, local and community agencies that ensures regional small businesses have easier access to information on how to do business with public agencies. PG&E will kick off the showcase with a presentation followed by two interactive panel presentations. The presentations will give businesses a chance to ask questions and seek best contracting practices.
The first presentation will focus on upcoming Public Works projects with San Joaquin County Public Works Department, City of Stockton Public Works, San Joaquin Delta College Contracting and the University of the Pacific Capital Planning & Space Management.
The second will feature procurement opportunities with San Joaquin County Purchasing and Supportive Services Department, City of Stockton Purchasing Department, San Joaquin Delta College Purchasing Department, California Department of General Services and Caltrans.
For more information on this event and the SRPAC, contact Zorayda Lao at or by calling 209-948-7855.
Those planning to attend are asked to register in advance at: