The National Weather Service is predicting that a large storm will impact San Joaquin County Saturday, Jan. 7 through Monday Jan. 9.
The upcoming storm is expected to cause flooding. Be prepared by making sure the path to storm drains and the drains are clear of leaves and debris. Clear all leaves out of the roadways so that they do not wash into the drains and clog them.
If you are in an area known to flood please take note that with the upcoming expected rain Escalon Public Works has sand and bags available at the West gate of the Public Works yard, 2103 Main Street until 3:30 p.m. today, Friday, Jan. 6. Public Works will be out around town preparing for the storm so they may not be able to fill the sandbags; please be prepared and bring your own shovel. Please only take a maximum of 10 sandbags per household/business.
After 3:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6, there will be a sandbag station at the empty lot behind the Police Department, 2040 McHenry Ave. Sand and sandbags will be available and residents will need to bring their own shovels.
Please only take a maximum of 10 sandbags per household/business to ensure the availability for others. Please make sure your residence is ready for the storm by making sure that the path to storm drains and drains are clear of leaves and debris.