The California Highway Patrol (CHP) Stockton Area will again be participating in the annual CHiP’s for Kids toy drive and distribution.
Every year the CHP Stockton Area partners with local groups and organizations to collect and distribute toys to children in need. The goal of this program is to reach out to as many families as possible within our communities and help bring joy and happiness to those less fortunate.
Last year more than 3000 toys, stuffed animals and games were collected and distributed. This year the local CHP will try to collect and distribute even more. The CHP Stockton Area is asking anyone who is willing to donate to bring a new, unwrapped toy to the CHP Stockton Area office at 2720 N. Wilcox Road, Stockton, CA 95215 between now and Dec. 17, 2016.
Anyone who is in need of receiving assistance from this program is encouraged to call the CHP Stockton Area at (209) 938-4800.
Any organizations wanting to partner with the CHP Stockton Area may contact Officer James Smith at (209) 938-4800.