Caltrans announced the first round of Local Partnership Program grants funded through the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) have been awarded to local and regional agencies with voter-approved transportation fees or taxes in place. During a recent California Transportation Commission (CTC) meeting, 57 projects submitted by 32 agencies around the state received $173.4 million to fund transportation improvements.
“These grants will act as matching funds for local entities that have already chosen to make their own extra investments in transportation,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Through SB 1, local agencies can have the funding to do their part in helping us rebuild California’s transportation infrastructure.”
The Local Partnership Program (LPP) was created by SB 1 to provide counties, cities and regional transportation agencies that have passed sales tax measures, developer fees or other imposed transportation fees with additional support for local projects from the State. The LPP creates a continuous appropriation of $200 million annually to fund road maintenance and rehabilitation, sound walls and other transportation improvement projects. These funds are distributed through a 50 percent statewide competitive component and a 50 percent formula component.
The projects approved are for the formulaic portion of the LPP and cover the 2017-18 and 2018-19 fiscal years. All agencies that have not already used their formula funding can still nominate projects through June 2019 for the remaining $26.6 million available.
This round of LPP funding focuses on diverse and important transportation projects throughout the state.
More information on the Local Partnership Program can be found at
In addition to the LPP awards Caltrans also submitted to the CTC the proposed 2018 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). The 2018 SHOPP is a four-year program of projects covering Fiscal Years 2018-19 through 2021-2022 that includes projects for pavement, bridge, culverts and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) included in the performance requirements of SB 1. The 2018 SHOPP also includes the important safety, emergency repair and permanent damage restoration projects as well as other “fix-it-first” projects on the State Highway System.
The total for the 2018 SHOPP is about $18 billion worth of projects over the next four years. This is compared to $10 billion in the 2016 SHOPP. The additional funding for 2018 can be attributed in large part due to additional funding from SB 1.
For a complete overview of SB 1 programs including a project map, visit