April is National Poetry Month and there are some upcoming programs around the region to help commemorate the event. These programs are part of the Arts Stanislaus Collaboration effort.
Join for an in-person reading at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock on Saturday, April 2. Lara Gularte will be sharing poems of her Portuguese heritage in conjunction with the Carnegie’s current exhibit Festa: A Celebration of Portuguese Faith & Culture. Sara Coito will also be reading. This in-person gathering is scheduled for April 2, starting at 2 p.m., at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock.
Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center (MoSt) presents Second Tuesday Poetry, featuring the poetry of Mexican poet Ulalume González de León from Plagiarisms/Plagios Vol. 2 with translators Terry Ehret and Nancy J. Morales and guest poet-translators William O’Daly and Mary Crow. This online event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12 at 7 p.m.; RSVP for Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvdu-oqDktGNSizk4tQoG2D1gD0ynwn0CD
The MoSt Poetry Book Club will continue in April with a discussion of Amanda Moore’s book Requeening (Ecco Press, 2021). Copies can be borrowed at the reference desk of the downtown Modesto library. The Book Club will meet in person at the library on Monday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m.in the MakerSpace room.
The Modesto Library and MoSt will present a Zoom reading called Many Voices, One Community, set for Thursday, April 28, at 7 p.m.
Join in at this Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84227363883?pwd=QzdqUmVzOVFUaDFmOElkbVF4a3d0Zz09
Meeting ID: 842 2736 3883; Passcode: poetry