In response to a rash of break-ins, officials have announced the overnight closure of the lobby at the Escalon Post Office. There will now be no access to the Post Office from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., said officials, with the doors being locked during that time frame.
“Long story short, our office in the last few weeks has gotten several constituents calls about the fact that the PO boxes at the Escalon post office were being broken into,” explained Andrew Mamo, Communications Director for 10th District Congressman Josh Harder.
The local Post Office on Coley Avenue traditionally had its doors unlocked, allowing overnight access to the postal boxes. But with the ongoing break-ins, concerned residents spoke up. Mamo said the arrival of stimulus checks and EDD cards heightened the postal customer fears of continued problems.
According to city and police officials, there have been four reports of burglary/mail theft, one vandalism report, and one petty theft report at the post office so far in 2021.
“In 2020 there were eight burglary/mail thefts, two vandalism reports, and four petty thefts of the PO boxes,” Mamo added.
Escalon Police Chief Rob Lackey confirmed his office had been in contact with the United States Postal Service in Sacramento, which had sought information on the number of incidents at the Coley Avenue location. He also said a prior police department inquiry about installing cameras at the local branch resulted in no decision being made on that issue.
“The decision to close the lobby at a specific time was made by the officials in Sacramento,” Lackey added of the new overnight closure.
Mamo said it is a good example of people working together to solve an issue of local concern.
“Our staff got involved, conveyed the relevant complaints to the police and the city,” Mamo said, with the new overnight locking of the lobby beginning this past week. “It is a good little case of folks stepping up to protect their hard earned benefits and working together to find a solution to a common problem.”