Escalon Recreation Department is prepping for the official Opening Day of the department’s youth baseball and softball programs, which is set for Saturday, March 8.
Festivities are scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. at the Hogan-Ennis sports complex, adjacent to the Escalon Community Center along Escalon Avenue.
The program is slated to include the traditional introduction of teams in the various age divisions for both baseball and softball, many teams bringing banners with them as they take positions on the main field at the park. There will also be an introduction of honored guests, the presentation of the colors by the Escalon American Legion Post 263, the singing of the National Anthem and a special dedication for the newly designated Greg Largent Field at the Hogan-Ennis complex.
There will be a ceremonial first pitch as part of the Opening Day events as well.
All in the community are welcome to attend; a full schedule of games will take place on multiple playing fields during the day.