The Great Valley Writing Camp in Escalon is back for 2023. This two-week experience is meant to teach young authors new writing strategies and skills while immersing them in the writing process. During the camp, students will be able to interact with personal adult writing mentors at a 1:4 ratio as well as interact with peers as they create, share, and publish their work. The camp is open to all students entering Transitional Kindergarten through eighth grade and will be held weekday mornings Monday, July 17 through Friday, July 28, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., on the Dent Elementary School campus.
This is a learning experience for participating teachers who have been collaborating for several months, reading and discussing Carl Anderson’s “A Guide to Mentor Text: Grades K-5” and/or Kelly Gallagher’s “Write Like This,” and who are now using those books to plan the two-week experience for students.
There are positions open on the high school technology team. Working with a high school journalism teacher, these students will learn photography and website design then document the camp experience by building the camp anthology website.
Contact Sally Hale directly at if you know a student who might be interested in interviewing for the tech team.
Camp projects will be featured at an Open House on July 28 from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Dent as well as being published on the workshop website, Facebook pages, and in digital anthologies.
“You can find the camp registration information and link on our Facebook page, Great Valley Writing Camps,” Hale said.