August is almost here and that means a return to school shortly thereafter … so kids are getting in their last visits to the Escalon Community Pool while they still can.
The pool is open Monday through Friday for public swim from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and will have its final day of the season on Friday, Aug. 3. On that final day, the pool hours will be shorter by an hour, running from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Pool Supervisor Amanda Smith said the swimming lessons went well this year and the public swim has also been very busy, especially with a string of days at or near triple digits.
“We had over 80 participants per session,” Smith said of the three two-week sessions of swimming lessons. “We were full at the lower level lessons.”
More advanced swimming classes didn’t have as many participants, but the lower levels were full of kids learning how to swim and stay safe in the pool, she said.
Public swim also sees local day care centers making routine visits, with Country Kids coming in on Mondays and Thursdays, ECS (Escalon Children’s Services) making their field trips to the pool on Tuesdays and Fridays.
“It’s pretty busy,” Smith agreed.
The cost for public swim is $2 per person; many families opted to get a family pass at the beginning of the season as well.
Escalon Recreation supervisor Bridget Gaines said there were about 230 swimmers taking swimming lessons this year, up slightly from 2017. The pool will also host its Discover Scuba class on Saturday, July 28 for those interested.
Offered in cooperation with Aquatic Discount Scuba of Escalon, class is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon at the pool; this is an introduction to scuba diving. Cost is $15 and the lesson is open to those ages 10 and up. Bring a towel, swimsuit and sunscreen to class. Register online at
Other recreational opportunities coming up for local youngsters are a new karate class, being offered for those 5- to 12-years-old on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center. Sign-ups are due by Aug. 10 and the classes will start Aug. 14. Gaines said a link to sign up is available on the City of Escalon website, on the ‘Recreation’ page.
The city’s recreational youth soccer season will also start soon, with opening day on Saturday, Aug. 11.