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Didi's Dogs

Why Use A Dog Clicker?
Basically, one aspect of Canine Learning Theory says that we can take a sound that means absolutely nothing to the dog and with consistent and repetitive actions teach the dog that this sound is a predictor of food. Classical Conditioning studies prove that eventually, after a certain amount of times, the dog will associate the previously unimportant sound with food.
Didi's Dogs
Didi's Dogs
Didi's Dogs
Didi's Dogs
Didi's Dogs
Whats The Scoop On Rescue Dogs?DEAR DIDI: I am curious about how dogs find people that are lost or trapped in natural disasters. – Curious in Ripon DEAR CURIOUS: Humans and all other mammals have five senses. Touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste. Neurophysiologically, humans are sight dominant.November 15, 2017
Some Guidelines On Canine AffectionDEAR DIDI: Our young granddaughter is six years old and she LOVES dogs. Her favorite thing to do is hug them! She just wraps her arms around every dog she meets and looks so happy.October 9, 2017
Tell The Tale On Dog TearsDEAR DIDI: Why don’t dogs shed tears when they cry? – Manteca Dog Lover DEAR DOG LOVER: This question may seem simplistic at first, but it is actually one of the most intriguing and complicated questions I have ever received. Humans are fascinated by anything that is different in our world, especially if it doesn’t fit a normal pattern. We instantly are curious and driven to find out why that thing or animal is different.September 12, 2017