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Letters to the Editor 1-24-24

Safety and security?


Dear Editor,

This year the school put a new rule into place about the front door at the school. Students can’t go in or out through the main door of the school. It is the door that is the main entrance for the school building. I find that as an issue because it is faster for kids to enter from there on the way back from lunch or just to enter school in the morning. Also it is the main entrance so why would kids not be allowed to enter or exit through it.

The parents as well might be confused on why they can’t go through there if for many years it has always been the door to get into the office. There also might be people or kids that do not know the school and will try to enter from there and would not be able to. I feel like everyone still should be able to enter and exit that door whenever needed because it’s a door for a reason or else why would it be there. I get that it’s now a safety emergency door only but I do not find a problem at all with the door being open to all like it had always been.


Raul Calderon



Little things matter


Dear Editor,

A big issue in Escalon is that the moment they see someone on the streets people freak out and immediately think they are in danger. What they do is call the cops on the poor homeless instead of trying to help. We as people should normalize the fact that Escalon won’t always be the nice town they say it is. About a year ago someone saw a homeless man in Escalon and called the cops on him. The cops ended up dropping him off in another town because Escalon is worried they will get ruined and get invaded by homeless people.

I’m not saying we should allow homeless people in the town. They could be a threat sometimes and there’s always kids out after school, but I think Escalon should be more caring and help the people out. For example, not dropping them off in a different town to keep their town “safe and clean”, but they should offer them some help and ask the cops to take them to a shelter somewhere where they are safe or even offer them something to eat or drink.

It’s the little things that matter so if Escalon wants to be the great town we are said to be, we as a whole should start by doing the little things that make a big difference.


Alejandra Alvarez



Immigration thoughts


Dear Editor,

I think illegal immigration is a problem. To have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants come into our country unlicensed and nowhere to go or not able to have the ability to get good paying jobs. I think the government should make it easier to become a US citizen, but I also think a country can only support a certain amount of people.

A recent example was Lampedusa, this island in Italy, has a population of 7000 people. Approximately 11,000 illegal immigrants came on boats to the island. It caused the nation of Italy to declare a national emergency on the island and to deploy the Italian military to the island.

The immigration situation has been so bad that the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott declared an invasion on the southern border. Using Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11, saying ‘The congress shall have power to declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal’. This means the constitution grants power for congress to declare war.


Ian Burk