The California Department of Fish and Game will focus on conservation at a couple of upcoming events.
On Tuesday, Oct. 8 the Conservation and Mitigation Banking Program Stakeholder Meeting for Northern California is scheduled from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at the Stanford Room, 650 Capitol Mall, Sacramento. This is a public meeting to provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss their experience using the current Bank Enabling Instrument (BEI) and Conservation Easement (CE) templates, and to discuss other bank topics in a forum with the agencies’ banking staff and decision-makers. For more information, visit or contact
Coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 9 it’s the CDFW Conservation Lecture Series, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., “The ecology and conservation of ungulate migrations in the American West,” presented by Arthur Middleton, Ph.D. In recent years, wildlife ecologists have made major strides in understanding how ungulate migrations evolve, why they are important, and what causes them to decline. At the same time, storytellers have been using advances in digital photography and videography to increase interest in wildlife migrations amongst the general public and policymakers. This talk will review major science and policy developments with insights and case studies from the diverse migratory ungulates of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, where Arthur Middleton and his group at UC Berkeley have done much of their work on the topic. Attendance is free. To register or learn more, visit
Scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 12 is the Elkhorn Slough Reserve Teachers on the Reserve Workshop, Elkhorn Slough Reserve, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville. The workshop introduces teachers to the reserve and the education field trip program. The workshop is free and continuing Education Units will be available. To register, visit and for more information, contact Virginia Guhin at